1993 A & B Grade Premiership Reunion Saturday August 5th 2023
23 Jul 23
1993 A & B Grade Premiership Reunion Saturday August 5th
Saturday, August 5th is time to celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the 1993 West Preston A & B Grade Premiership Double.
Catered sit down spit roast Lunch & Drinks from 12 Noon till 2pm then watch the main game.
J E Moore Park Reservoir.
Cost is $50 and includes lunch and drinks for the 2 hours.
Please RSVP by July 25th for catering.
Live video of the game as well as discussing both games in detail.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
Still chasing a few contacts so spread the word.
Pagey 0414 644 226 Dooga 0410601637
Payments Bendigo Bank
BSB 633-000
Ac 145178646
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